Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 4: There's no place like home!

The waiting will continue but now it will be from the comfort of my own home, with my family! As promised, the MD Anderson scheduler called me bright and early. Unfortunately his news was not exactly what we were hoping for. The bronch is now scheduled, but not until March 3rd!  That's over 1 week away! At first we were all very discouraged, but then we realized that it's actually a blessing in disguise. As you could probably tell, I was missing Brandt and the kids something fierce! It's going to be good for my soul to be able to see their faces each day!
I'm not going to lie first I worried about waiting yet ANOTHER week or so. I want this out of me! I don't want it to grow and spread! I want to be healthy again! To calm these fears, I was reassured that cancer spreads over months and years, not days and weeks :) So March 3rd it is! We'll head back to Houston next weekend and try again.
As we wait this week we won't be sitting around doing nothing. The fight continues with or without the doctors and their fancy procedures. The focus this week: nutrition. As I mentioned earlier, this battle will be fought on many fronts. Stay tuned for posts of all the green juices, bunches of fresh veggies and other cancer fighting foods that will be making their way into my house and body this week! Brandt is going to kill me! Hmmmmm..............I wonder if Cheetos have cancer fighting properties? :)

Shout Out: Thanks to everyone for their comments, love and support. I'm so glad you're enjoying reading the blog. Each comment I read brings a smile to my face and inspiration to my heart.

Today's Hurdles:
-No bronch until March 3rd

Today's Jewels:
TBT: Back home with these crazies! Love them!
-I'm home with my family!!!!

The hurdles and jewels may be tied today, but for those of you that really, really know me you know that being home with family holds quadruple the weight of any hurdle I run into!!!! Jewels win again!

Bye, Bye Houston!


  1. YAY you get to go home and get a dose of the best medicine of all: LOVE, FAMILY and CUDDLES from the kiddos :) :)

    I thought I'd share my aunt's blog with you. She was diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer this past October and has been chronicling her journey too. She has a fighting spirit and a SUPER positive attitude...remind you of anyone else lol?!

    1. Thanks Amy! I'm gonna check it out!!!

    2. It it one day at a time.. Keep the faith, Prayers are heading your way to you, Brandt and the family... My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Throat cancer and that was 8yrs ago

  2. You had me at green juices and healthy meals. I'll stay tuned for that and of course to see you kick some invader butt!!

  3. I love the person you are so full of cheer that is the best medicine. ;)
